Dress Code- Energy is an ultra-lounge/nightclub
atmosphere- dress to impress. No long tees or excessive baggy clothing. Hats
should be forward facing. No Jerseys, sweats, athletic shorts, or sleeveless
shirts. Hoodies are acceptable. Dress Code is in effect unless you are in
"party theme attire".
Loitering- Please be prepared to enter the
club as soon as you arrive in the parking lot. Loitering in the parking lot is
not permitted. Please remain in the club until your ride arrives. Please make
sure you are picked up by midnight. A police detail is assigned to the parking lot.
Searches- Everyone will be searched/pat down before entering. No alcohol, weapons, drinks, food, medication (unless prescribed), or tobacco will be allowed in the building. Anyone that appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be permitted.
Behavior- Any bullying, harassment, drugs,
tobacco, weapons, alcohol, altercations, or dress code violation may result in
parents or police being notified.
Identification- If you look over 17 we are going to ask you to provide some sort of ID (school/state/yearbook/birth cert). This is necessary keep our patrons comfortable and to keep us a "teen venue".